User's view of the Directory module

In the Directory module, Ellucian Mobile users can search for a person and then view details about that person.

The Directory module contains the following pages.

Page Description
The Directory screen When mobile users open the Directory module, Ellucian Mobile displays the Directory screen where the user can search for a person. Optionally, the user can limit the search to people in certain groups, which correspond to the directories defined by the mobile administrator using the procedure in Set up directories for the Directory module.

From the search results (a list of people), the user can tap a person's name to view details about the person.

The Directory Detail screen The Directory Detail screen displays information about a person. The attributes displayed are specified by the mobile administrator who sets up the directory.

The mobile user can tap icons to initiate appropriate actions, such as calling or emailing the person. The user can tap the icon in the header to add the person to the device’s contact list.

The Directory module is integrated with courses, so users can contact professors or classmates directly from the Courses module.