Configure the currency code and days to display

By default, the Student Financials module displays currency in U.S. dollar format and displays transactions that have occurred in the previous 30 days. You can modify these parameters by editing the config.groovy file.


  1. Open the <sis>-mobileserver-config.groovy file in a text editor.
  2. Find the following section.

    /* Default values for Student Finance modules

    The value set for the currency code should be based on the ISO 4217 specification. On mobile devices, the Locale setting determines the usage and placement of commas and periods for currency display.

    For the financial transactions display, priorDaysToDisplay is relative to the date the request is made, and limits transactions to those which occurred in the past n days.


    /* = "USD" = 30 */

  3. Modify the currency value and the number of days as needed and remove the comment markers above and below the two lines of code. You can find a list of currency codes at
  4. Save the updated configuration file.
  5. Restart Tomcat to apply the changes.