Set up on-screen login instructions

Provide on-screen instructions to help Ellucian GO users log in.

About this task

Reports from the download stores for Ellucian GO indicate that some users experience confusion when determining which user ID and password to use for logging in. Often, students have multiple sets of credentials assigned to them, each allowing access to a different system. They might be unsure which username and password to use to log in to your mobile app. Use the procedure below to specify instructions that will appear on the device login screen to help your mobile users successfully log in.

Login instructions are displayed only if users log in to your mobile app using the native device login screen. For institutions using single sign-on with browser-based login, these instructions will not appear on the browser login page. This is the case if, in the General Settings section of the Cloud Configuration System, you selected either SAML (Colleague or PowerCampus only) or CAS with browser-based login as the SIS Authentication Service.


  1. Log in to the Ellucian Mobile Cloud Configuration System.
  2. In the configurations list, expand your configuration and click Appearance.
  3. In the module configuration area of the page, click the Login tab.
    The Login tab is not displayed if you selected either SAML (Colleague or PowerCampus only) or CAS with browser-based login as the SIS Authentication Service. This procedure does not apply for those configurations because the native device login screen is not used.
  4. Enter the information described below.

    All of the fields are optional. If you leave a field blank, the default behavior for the device login page will be used. For example, if you leave the Login Instructions field blank, the default login instructions will be displayed.

    Field Description Example
    User Name Hint Briefly describe the username that Ellucian GO users should enter. This text appears in light gray in the username text box, and goes away when the user begins entering a username. MySchool ID
    Password Hint Briefly describe the password that Ellucian GO users should enter. This text appears in light gray in the password text box, and goes away when the user begins entering a password. Password for your MySchool ID
    Login Instructions Provide information that will help the user know what to enter in the username and password fields. For example, if more than one ID is used at your institution, identify the ID to enter.

    If you enter URLs, email addresses, or phone numbers within the text, they will be displayed as links that will open the appropriate app (browser app, email app, or phone app).

    Note: A long entry in this field, or splitting the instructions into multiple paragraphs, could cause the login instructions to be cut off on the mobile device. This field has a character limit to help avoid this issue. However, you should view the login instructions on mobile devices to ensure they are not cut off.
    Enter your MySchool ID (not your student ID number) and password.
    Help Link Label Enter the text for a link to a webpage that provides more help with login issues.

    If you leave the Help Link Label and Help Link URL fields blank, no help link will be displayed.

    Get help signing in
    Help Link URL Enter the URL for the help link.
  5. Click Save.