Existing Tomcat instance

Set up additional Mobile Server web apps on an existing Tomcat instance.


  1. Make a copy of your existing WAR file for each new Mobile Server web app that you need to set up.
    Give each file a descriptive name so it is easy to identify -- SchoolAbanner- mobileserver.war, testconfig-colleague-mobileserver.war, etc.
  2. Transfer the WAR files to the server that will be hosting the mobile server web apps.
  3. Ensure that Tomcat is installed properly on your server.
  4. Stop Tomcat.
  5. Copy the WAR files into the tomcat/webapps directory.
  6. Start Tomcat.
  7. Confirm that the <tomcat user home>/ellucianmobile/<NameOfWarFile> directories have been created.
    For example, <tomcat user home>/ellucianmobile/SchoolA-bannermobileserver.
  8. Stop Tomcat.
  9. Complete the following steps for each WAR file that you created in Step 1 above.
    1. Open the example-multiple-mobileserver-config.groovy file in an editor and make the following changes:

      Find the ellucian.configuration.apiKey = “sample-API-key” line and replace sample-API-key with your own strong password. You will need to enter this in the Cloud Configuration Tool later.

      Note: If you choose to include a ‘$’ character in this password, you must enclose it in single quote marks, as shown in this sentence, to avoid validation errors. Do not include the quote marks when you enter the password in the Cloud Configuration system later.

      Find all instances of the following placeholders and replace them with the information as described: <externalMobileServer.my.edu> replace with your Tomcat server URL. [1]Matt PieperHopefully technical reviewers have already noted this and offered some suggestions. These 3 consectuive "for example" sentences seem to kind of build on each other in a way that I don't understand. There should be some additional description between them.2015/09/3015:15:29-04:00For example, mobileserver.ellucian.edu <schoolName>-<NameOfWarFile>-mobileserver replace with the name of your WAR file, but without the extension. For example, SchoolA-bannermobileserver. <tomcat user home> replace with the path to the ellucianmobile directory. For example, /home/admin/ (a likely Linux location) or C: (a common Windows location)

    2. Save the config.groovy file as <NameOfWarFile>-config.groovy.
      For example, SchoolA-banner-mobileserver-config.groovy.
    3. Navigate to the <tomcat user home>/ellucianmobile/<NameOfWarFile> directory and copy the <NameOfWarFile>-config.groovy file into this directory.
  10. Start Tomcat.
  11. Verify that the Mobile Server web apps have been installed correctly.
    Using a browser, navigate to https://<externalMobileServer.my.edu>/<SchoolName>-<sis>- mobileserver/api/2.0/version. For example, https://mobileserver.ellucian.edu/SchoolAbanner- mobileserver/api/2.0/version. Something like the following should be returned:
    {"application":{"name":"banner-mobileserver","version":""} ,"plugins":\[{"name":"msConfigurationCore","version":""} ,{"name":"msServerConfiguration","version":""} ,{"name":"msEvents 12
  12. Continue with Create a configuration to enter your configuration settings manually or Manage Configurations to copy or import settings from an existing configuration.