Create a configuration

Create a configuration (a specific instance of the Ellucian Mobile app) and connect the configuration to your mobile server.


  1. Sign in to the Cloud Configuration Service through the Ellucian Hub (
  2. Click + at the bottom of the Configurations section.
  3. Enter a Configuration Name for your new configuration, and then click Save.
    This configuration name is the name of the configuration as it appears here in the configuration tool. End users will not see this.
  4. Expand the newly created configuration and click Getting Started.
  5. Enter your Mobile Server URL and Mobile Server Key.

    If you receive the following warning message: This Mobile Integration Server does not support the TLS 1.2 protocol for SSL; update your SSL certificate to support Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.2.

  6. Click Validate.
    If a list of plugins appears, your configuration has been successfully created on the mobile integration server.