Required permissions for the Banner username

Ellucian Mobile requires access to several Banner Oracle tables and functions, and uses an Oracle user to connect to the required data.

You can use the createBannerMobileUser.sql script to create a Banner user that has all the required permissions. You can find this script in the /sql-scripts/banner/ folder. If you choose to create this user manually, the user must have select access to the following tables:

gobtpac sfrstcr slrbcat spraddr stvcamp
stvssts gordadd sgbstdn slrbcmt sprhold
stvdept stvstst goremal shrtckg slrbdef
spriden stvfcst stvterm govrole shrtckn
sobptrm sprtele stvgmod twgrrole scbcrse
sibinst sobterm ssbsect stvhldd twtvrole
scrlevl sirasgn sorrtrm ssbssec stvlevl
sfbetrm sirdpcl sorwdsp ssrmeet stvrdef
sfrareg slbbldg spbpers stvbldg stvrsts

This user also needs access to the following Oracle functions or packages:

  • bwcklibs
  • f_format_name
  • f_getspridenid
  • gb_common
  • gb_hold
  • scksels
  • g$_date_pkg

Enter this user name in the Username field when setting up the Banner configuration.

There are also several permissions and a "banproxy" requirement for the Banner Student Web API username. See the Ellucian XE Registry documentation on the Ellucian Customer Center for more information.