Ellucian Mobile Multi-Entity Processing

Ellucian Mobile supports Banner Multi-Entity Processing (MEP) environments. MEP Banner environments support clients who have multiple institutions/entities sharing the same Banner instance.

For more information on MEP, see the Banner General Multi-Entity Processing Implementation Guide.

Usually, MEP clients will want to have a separate Ellucian Mobile solution for each of their member entities. In that case, they need to deploy a banner-mobileserver web app and a separate configuration in the Mobile Cloud Configuration for each institution/entity. Each entity is identified by a unique VPDI_CODE established in Banner. You will need to establish one user account per entity/VPDI_Code in Banner as well. Please refer to the Banner General Multi-Entity Processing Implementation Guide for instruction on how to set up VPDI _CODE values and users.

You will need to set the user’s credentials for Banner database access, and set the Banner Student API URL for each entity/VPCI_CODE.