Set up beacons

Set up beacons at the desired locations at your institution.

Supported beacons

Ellucian Mobile works with beacons that use the iBeacon standard. However, Ellucian’s testing indicates that some iBeacon-compliant beacons support Ellucian Mobile location-aware features better than others. For best results, test with your selected beacon hardware before purchasing large quantities. Ellucian has tested with beacons from the following vendors:
  • RECO
  • Estimote
  • Radius Networks Radbeacons

Best practices for beacon setup

Use the procedures provided by your beacon provider to set up beacons. Ellucian recommends the following setup best practices for beacons that are used with Ellucian Mobile:
  • Adjust the signal strength of each beacon based on the desired distance at which Ellucian GO users will receive a notification. Ellucian GO notifications are based on the "far" distance range, using the near/intermediate/far ranges defined for iBeacons.
  • If practical, adjust the signal strength of each beacon so that beacon signals do not overlap. Overlapping signals might cause unpredictable behavior of location-aware Ellucian Mobile features.
  • Recommended identifier setup:
    • UUID - Use a single UUID for all beacons at your school.
    • Major ID - Use a single major ID for all beacons that support module launching.
    • Minor ID - Use a different minor ID for each beacon that supports module launching.
Note: To support Ellucian Mobile, major and minor IDs must be between 0 and 32767, even though the beacon design might permit larger numbers.